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Chocolate pralines

Everyone will agree with me when I say that chocolate pralines are perfectly sweet and seductive delicacy that is hard to resist. Here I bring to you one of my favorite recipes for pralines. Hope you'll like it.


Chocolate layer:

  • 200 gr. of chocolate
  • 3 tablespoons of oil


  • 100 gr. of white chocolate
  • 100 gr. of ground walnuts
  • 100 gr. of ground biscuits
  • 150 ml. of cream (for whipped cream)
  • vanilla or orange extract (optional)


  1. Melf the chocolate and oil for chocolate layer.
  2. Coat the molds with chocolate and cool it in fridge (repeat 2 times) -  for making "chocolate molds"
  3. Warm the cream, then add white chocolate, biscuits, walnuts and extract.
  4. Fill molds with a mixture, then on that pour a teblespoon of chocolate layer.
  5. Cool pralines in fridge for at least an hour, then remove them from the mold and enjoy.

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