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Hurmašice - Traditional Bosnian dessert

Traditional Bosnian dessert

Hurmašice are traditional Bosnian dessert, of course, originally from the Middle East, but domesticated in our country. They are made “clean”, with nuts and with coconut. For these with coconut replace part of the flour with coconut flour.


  • 250g butter
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 2 dl oil (or vegetable fat)
  • 1 baking powder
  • flour, 800 g (so the dough is not too hard nor too soft)
  • nuts (if desired)

For agda (dressing)
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 0.5 liters of water
  • 1 lemon


 Of all the ingredients make dough, not too hard, but enough that you can make rollers, about 6-7 cm long, If you want, you can put couple of fourth walnut and press on the grater, so you get the typical “pattern”. Stack on a large plate, usually they are not sticky, but if you are not sure put the paper. They will grow a little bit during baking so do not stack too thick.Bake in preheated oven for about 25 min at 180 ° C, until they are little browned.
For dressing boil sugar with water and lemon washed and cut into slices. Boil until it becomes a syrup. It takes a little practice to do so.spoon drops should slowly fall , and when you blow on the back of the spoon,it must appear ” roses “ . The most important thing is that you pour hot agda (dressing) over the cold hurmašice. Leave them out at room temperature or in an oven, just not in a refrigerator (at least not for the first 24 h).

Bon appetite! :)

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