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  • 700 g. sugar
  • 18 tablespoons of water
  • 200 gr. margarine
  • 300 gr. of ground biscuits
  • 300 gr. of ground walnuts


  • 250 gr. of chocolate
  • 125 gr. margarine
  • 1 tablespoon of oil


  1. Boil water and sugar for 3 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat, then add the biscuits and walnuts.
  3. For the glaze, melt all the ingredients (oil, margarine and chocolate)
  4. Divide on half mixture with walnuts and biscuits. Put 4-5 tablespoons of glaze in one part of mixture.
  5. Put the dark part on the bottom of the pan, then put the bright part on it.
  6. Put the glaze on the top.
  7. Cool it in the fridge and then cut into sticks (5x2 cm)
Enjoy :)

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