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Doboš Cake

Doboš Cake (Drum Cake) is one of the most famous cake in the world and also the most famous Hungarian cake. Everyone loves this cake.



  • 200 g. of butter (margarine)
  • 200 g. sugar
  • 200 g. of flour
  • 1 vanilla sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1-2 tablespoons of rum
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder


  • 1 chocolate pudding
  • 30 g. of cocoa
  • 150 g. of sugar
  • 500 ml. milk
  • 250 g. of butter (margarine)


300 g. of sugar



  1. Mix the butter until it begins to foam and gradually add sugar, vanilla sugar, egg yolks and rum. 
  2. Add flour and baking powder, spoon by spoon. After that, add the snow od egg whites. 
  3. Individually bake 7 sheets for cake on 150C for about 10 minutes. (Each sheet 3 tablespoons of mixture)


  1. Mix pudding powder, cocoa and sugar with 6 tablespoons of milk and let the rest of the milk boil. 
  2. Remove from the heat, then add dissolved pudding powder  and put to boil again. 
  3. Add that mixture of pudding to the butter that you have previously mixed.  (Make sure the butter and pudding are not too cold because then they clot).
  4.  Apply the cream on each sheet and assemble the cake. Leave one sheet for the top.


  1. Melt the sugar in a clear yellow liquid and quickly pour on the top sheet of cake. 
  2. Immediately cut 12 equal parts and place them one by one on the cake.
Enjoy :)

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